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Content warning: flashing visuals, unreality.@@//
<<timed 5s>>@@.fade;從濃霧中你空身地冒出來。@@
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;From the dense fog you emerge with nothing.@@
<<next 6s>>@@.fade;在你面前站著一面斷牆,上面印了這些話:
Before you stands a piece of broken wall, with these words stamped on it:@@
<<next 3s>>>@@.fade;注意:你即將進入零空實例,是現實之間的閾限次元。
NOTICE: You are about to enter an instance of nullspace, a liminal dimension between realities.
此間零空 3416 號是由於幽靈島拘押中心的倒敗而造成的。
The following nullspace, #3416, was created by the collapse of the Phantom Island Detention Center.
As phantom shades, we insist on haunting every time and space until the collapse of every fascist reality.@@
<<next 6s>><<type 30ms>>某人用了噴漆把最後一句劃掉,旁邊再加個回答:連死門都沒有。
Someone has used spray paint to cross out the last line, and add a response by its side: LIKE HELL WE WOULD.<</type>>
<<next 5s>>@@.fade;[[(繼續 CONTINUE)|營地 CAMP]]@@
<<type 50ms>>[[(改路 CHANGE COURSE)|出口 EXIT]]<</type>>
Press spacebar to skip typing.@@//
目前在 NOW AT:
<<print passage()>><<if $omi eq true>><<type 30ms>>我從濃霧中出現。
I emerge from the fog.<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>[[(要求我說我是誰 DEMAND ME TO SAY WHO I AM)|營地 CAMP...][$a to 1]]
[[(要求我說為什麼這樣做 DEMAND ME TO SAY WHY I DID THIS)|營地 CAMP...][$a to 2]]
[[(要求我改回去 DEMAND ME TO CHANGE THINGS BACK)|營地 CAMP...][$a to 3]]
<</type>><<elseif $called eq true>><<type 30ms>>破爛的木板和廢鐵布滿了地面;殘駭上又散落著被複印的[[遊戲|]]。
Rotten planks and scrap metal litter the ground; atop the debris lie scattered copies of [[games|]].<</type>>
<<timed 5s>>@@.fade;溫暖明亮的營火,在無限的夜晚中不停地閃爍。@@
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;The campfire, warm and blazing, flickers without pause in the endless night.@@
<<next 5s>>@@.fade;[[(大喊 CALL OUT)|營地 CAMP...]]@@
@@.fade;[[(離開 LEAVE)|出口 EXIT]]@@<</timed>><<else>><<timed 2s>>@@.fade;你路過斷牆,進入亂七八糟的營地。@@
<<next 2s>>@@.fade;You go past the broken wall, entering the mess of the camp.@@
<<next 3s>><<type 30ms>>破爛的木板和廢鐵布滿了地面;殘駭上又散落著被複印的[[遊戲|]]。
Rotten planks and scrap metal litter the ground; atop the debris lie scattered copies of [[games|]].<</type>>
<<next 5s>>@@.fade;溫暖明亮的營火,在無限的夜晚中不停地閃爍。@@
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;The campfire, warm and blazing, flickers without pause in the endless night.@@
<<next 5s>>@@.fade;[[(大喊 CALL OUT)|營地 CAMP...][$called to true]]@@
@@.fade;[[(離開 LEAVE)|出口 EXIT]]@@
/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */假想園
@@font-size:28px;REFUSEMENT PARK@@
<<timed 0s>><<type 30ms>>你回到白玄,想想你擁有的逃路。
You return to THE WHITEDARK, considering your options for escape.<</type>>
<<next 3s>>@@.fade;[[NS 3415 (指南 DIRECTORY)|]]
[[NS 910 (吞光鐵 THE SPARKEATER)|]]
[[NS 9002 (黑耀公司地下城 BLACKBRIGHT CO. DUNGEON)|]]
@@<</timed>><<if $omi eq true>><<if $a eq 1>><<type 30ms>>「我是這虛構世界的創造者。這裡是我遊戲的家。關於遊戲內容,當然我跟大家一樣寫過有的沒的,但是我最愛寫針對想實現革命的人的遊戲。我遊戲設計最大的政治影響是無治主義、情境者們和個人生活經驗。在政治方面,我的目的不是要證明自己的思想是最正確,而是要激起每人對現狀被克制的反感,強化這心情直到它們在現實中爆發。」
"I am the creator of this fictional world, this home for my games. As for the content of my games, of course like everyone else I've written trivial things, but I most enjoy writing games that target those who wish to realize revolution. The biggest political influences on my game design are anarchism, The Situationists, and personal lived experience. With regards to politics, my goal is not to prove that my ideology is the most correct, but to provoke the resentment against the status quo that everyone has repressed, to strengthen these feelings until they blow up in reality."<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>[[(要求我說為什麼這樣做 DEMAND ME TO SAY WHY I DID THIS)|營地 CAMP...][$a to 2]]
[[(要求我改回去 DEMAND ME TO CHANGE THINGS BACK)|營地 CAMP...][$a to 3]]
[[(遣散我 DISMISS ME)|營地 CAMP][$omi to false, $omic to true]]<</type>><<elseif $a eq 2>><<type 30ms>>「本來這是我遊戲的監獄,也是我自己的監獄。我認為因為我寫的遊戲有傷害過人,害到那個人連想都不想告訴我如何賠禮,就表示我該按照當時我們遊戲設計社群的問責標準為自己做出最嚴格的懲罰,無限期地禁止自己和自己的作品出現在 TRPG 社群中,也規定自己必須讓全部想看我遊戲的人知道我做錯的事,不准讓自己有其他看起來像是無罪的身分。」
"Originally this was a prison for my games, as well as a prison for myself. I was convinced that because a game I wrote had harmed someone, to the point that they weren't even willing to tell me how to make amends, it meant that I needed to follow the accountability standards in our TRPG community at the time and punish myself to the fullest extent, indefinitely banning myself and my work from appearing in TRPG communities, making it a rule that I had to let all who wanted to see my games know I had done something wrong, refusing to let myself have any identity that appeared to be innocent."
「過了長期時間和檢討,我的想法改變了—我認為自己失去了問責的目標。說問責需要懲罰事一回事,但對方認為不可能有問責,我又為了沒有原因再去一直懲罰自己,那就是自虐。我不會隱藏我的過去,也還是不會回 TRPG 社群,但我再也不會為了這件事限制自己裝出罪人的身分了。」
"After a long time and much reflection, I changed my mind—I became convinced that I had lost track of the goal of accountability. To say that accountability requires punishment is one matter, but if the other side says accountability is impossible, and then I keep punishing myself for no reason, that's self-abuse. I will not hide my past, and I still won't return to the TRPG community, but I will never restrict myself to assuming the role of a sinful person because of this incident ever again."
"As for the disappearance of the phantom shades, that's because they're all agonists. I now think that [[agonist play is a concept that's deeply flawed to the extreme|]], and I no longer wish to keep using undead justices to represent my work."<</type>>
<<type 30ms>>[[(要求我說我是誰 DEMAND ME TO SAY WHO I AM)|營地 CAMP...][$a to 1]]
[[(要求我改回去 DEMAND ME TO CHANGE THINGS BACK)|營地 CAMP...][$a to 3]]
[[(遣散我 DISMISS ME)|營地 CAMP][$omi to false, $omic to true]]<</type>><<else>>「好—那[[再見|]]。」
"Very well—then [[goodbye|]]."<</if>><<else>><<type 30ms>>喊誰?
For whom?<</type>>
<<if $omic eq true>><<type 30ms>>[[愚人 THE FOOL|營地 CAMP][$omi to true]]<</type>><<else>><<nobr>>
/* Initialize temporary counter variable _i */
/* When _i hits 4, which will happen after the player clicks all possible options, output the true option, which is THE FOOL */
/* -- Explanation of how the linkreplacing works -- */
/* Every time the player clicks a false option, _i goes up by 1 and the code checks if _i is 4 yet. If it is, then output link to true option THE FOOL and $omi to true. */
<</nobr>><<set _i to 0>><<type 30ms>><<linkreplace "微笑劍客 THE SMILING SWORDSMAN">>
<<nobr>><<set _i to _i+1>><<if _i eq 4>>@@.fade;
[[愚人 THE FOOL|營地 CAMP][$omi to true]]
<<linkreplace "流放武僧 THE BANISHED MONK">>
<<nobr>><<set _i to _i+1>><<if _i eq 4>>@@.fade;
[[愚人 THE FOOL|營地 CAMP][$omi to true]]
<<linkreplace "女祭司 THE HIGH PRIESTESS">>
<<nobr>><<set _i to _i+1>><<if _i eq 4>>@@.fade;
[[愚人 THE FOOL|營地 CAMP][$omi to true]]
<<linkreplace "惡魔 THE DEVIL">>
<<nobr>><<set _i to _i+1>><<if _i eq 4>>@@.fade;
[[愚人 THE FOOL|營地 CAMP][$omi to true]]
@@<</if>><</nobr>><</linkreplace>><</type>><</if>><<type 30ms>>[[沒人 NO ONE|營地 CAMP]]<</type>><</if>>